who we are

Megan Gutman

CEO & Family Advocate

Having worked for years as a film producer in the entertainment industry, I have gotten to travel the world, deal with high-end clients and celebrities and many different personalities. I consider myself the ultimate multi-tasker and have been a successful entrepreneur for many years. Feeling fulfilled in my film career, I always knew I wanted to add motherhood to my resume. I struggled with infertility for six years, undergoing multiple IVF treatments and experiencing a devastating miscarriage. After spending a fortune and being told I couldn’t have a successful transfer, I started searching for a surrogate. I researched various surrogacy agencies, comparing prices and reviews. I chose one that seemed promising, but ended up being quite flawed. Despite the agency’s shortcomings, I now have two healthy babies that I am beyond thankful for. This journey inspired me to create my own surrogacy agency, OVER THE RAINBOW, to support others facing infertility challenges and to provide a smooth, loving and amazing surrogacy experience.

Tonya Zlock

CMO & Family/Surrogacy Advocate

Hey, I'm Tonya — I’m a true believer in the power of birth and surrogacy. As a former surrogate who carried twins, I know firsthand the challenges and joys of this incredible journey. Although my dreams of becoming an OB/GYN were redirected due to bedrest during medical school, it led me to assist people with health and life insurance. Now, I'm honored to be part of the Over the Rainbow Surrogacy team, where my personal passion for helping families combines with my expertise. With heartfelt support and seamless guidance, I'm committed to making the surrogacy process smooth, loving, and truly remarkable for intended parents and surrogates.

As a proud mother to my son, Theo, born through a home birth, I understand the deep longing for family and the obstacles that may arise. This journey is personal to me, and I'm privileged to be part of a team that creates miracles for others. Together, we strive to make the surrogacy experience a transformative one, providing unwavering support and a nurturing environment for all involved.

If you're seeking guidance or have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. I'm here to provide personal support every step of the way. Let's embark on this remarkable journey together, creating miracles and helping families bring their dreams to life.

Samantha Clements

COO & Family Advocate

I reside in Los Angeles, sharing my life with my husband, Craig, and our wonderful son, Caleb. My career has been deeply rooted in the entertainment industry, where I've had the privilege of collaborating with Megan for many years. Our synergy is undeniable, and when Megan expressed her desire to establish a surrogacy agency, I wholeheartedly embraced the idea. Having observed numerous loved ones embark on this transformative journey, I felt compelled to contribute to this life-altering venture.

My belief in miracles is unwavering, having witnessed firsthand the miraculous nature of this process. I take pride in my analytical prowess, characterized by my role as a savvy businesswoman and a devoted mother. Helping people has always been a driving passion for me, and this endeavor aligns perfectly with my principles and values. I am honored to be a valued member of this team, united in our commitment to this meaningful cause.